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domingo, outubro 20, 2013

O Ritual do Não Nascido - O.T.O.

O Ritual do Não Nascido

(As linhas de abertura confirmam o status principal do Deus sendo convocado.)

Te que invoco, o Não Nascido.
Ti, que criar a Terra e os Céus:
Ti, que criar a Noite e o Dia.
Ti, que criar a Escuridão e a Luz.
És Osorronophris: Quem nenhum homem viu-se a qualquer momento.
És Iabos:
És Iapos:
Tu distinguido entre o Justo e o Injusto.
Tu fazem o Feminino e o Masculino.
Tu produzir a Semente e o Fruto.
Tu formar homens para amar uns aos outros e a odiar um ao outro.
Eu sou ____ teu profeta, a quem Tu comete Teu Mistérios.

Tu produz o húmido e o seco, e nutre tudo o que criou a Vida.
Tu me ouvir, pois eu sou o anjo de Apophrasz Osorronophris: Este é o verdadeiro nome de Teu, proferida aos profetas.
Ouvi-me: Ar: Thiao: Reibet: Atheleberseth: A: Blatha: Abeu: Eben: Phi: Chitasoe: Ib: Thiao.
Ouvir-me, e faça todos os espíritos assunto a mim: para que todos os espíritos do firmamento e do éter: sobre a terra e debaixo da terra: em terra seco e na água: de redemoinho de ar e de fogo com pressa: e cada feitiço e o flagelo de Deus podem ser obediente.

Eu invoco a ti, o Terrível e Invisível Deus: Que habitas no Lugar Vazio do Espírito:
Arogogorobrao: Sochou: Modorio: Phalarchao: Ooo: macaco, O Um Sem Nascimento: Me ouvir!
Ouvi-me: Roubriao: Mariodam: Balbnabaoth: Assalonai: Aphniao: I: Tholeth: Abrasax: Qeoou: Ischur, Um Poderoso e Sem Nascimento ! Ouve-me!
Eu te invoco: Ma: Barraio: Ioel: Luiz Antonio: Athorebalo: Abraoth: ouvir-me!
Ouve-me! Aoth: Aboth: Basum: Isak: Sabaoth: Iao:
Este é o Senhor dos Deuses:
Este é o Senhor do Universo:
É ele quem os Ventos temem.
É ele, que tendo feito a Voz pelo seu Mandamento, é Senhor de Todas as Coisas;
Rei, Governante, e o ajudador. Ouve-me!
Ouvi-me: Ieou: Pur: Iou: Pur: Iaot: Iaeo: Ioou: Abrasax: Sabriam: Oo: Uu: Ede: Edu: Angelos tou theou: Lai: Gaia: Apa: Diachanna: Chorun.

(O limite aparente entre o humano e o divino finalmente desaparece, consumidos pelo enflamente mágico do aspirante.)

Eu sou ele! O Espírito do Sem Nascimento! Tendo vista nos pés: Fortes e o Fogo Imortal!
Eu sou ele! A Verdade!
Eu sou ele! Quem odeia esse mal deve ser forjado no Mundo!
Eu sou ele, que faz Raios e Trovões
Eu sou ele, de quem é o chuveiro da Vida da Terra:
Eu sou ele, de cuja boca flameth:
Eu sou ele, o que Engendra e Manifestar a Luz:
Eu sou ele, a Graça do Mundo:
"O Coração Cingida com uma Serpente" é Meu Nome!

Tu vem adiante, e siga-me: e fazer todos os espíritos sujeitar-me então que todo espírito do firmamento e do éter: sobre a terra e debaixo da terra: na terra seca, ou na água: do ar girando ou de fogo com pressa: e cada feitiço e o flagelo de Deus, seja obediente a mim!
Iao: Sabao: Estas são as Palavras!


The Bornless Ritual

(The opening lines confirm the primary status of the god being summoned. )

Thee I invoke, the Bornless one.
Thee, that didst create the Earth and the Heavens:
Thee, that didst create the Night and the day.
Thee, that didst create the Darkness and the Light.
Thou art Osorronophris: Whom no man hath seen at any time.
Thou art Iabos:
Thou art Iapos:
Thou hast distinguished between the Just and the Unjust.
Thou didst make the Female and the Male.
Thou didst produce the Seed and the Fruit.
Thou didst form Men to love one another, and to hate one another.
I am _________ Thy Prophet, unto Whom Thou didst commit Thy Mysteries.

Thou didst produce the moist and the dry, and that which nourisheth all created Life.
Hear Thou Me, for I am the Angel of Apophrasz Osorronophris: this is Thy True Name, handed down to the Prophets.
Hear Me: Ar: Thiao: Reibet: Atheleberseth: A: Blatha: Abeu: Eben: Phi: Chitasoe: Ib: Thiao.
Hear Me, and make all Spirits subject unto Me: so that every Spirit of the Firmament and of the Ether: upon the Earth and under the Earth: on dry Land and in the Water: of Whirling Air, and of rushing Fire: and every Spell and Scourge of God may be obedient unto Me.

I invoke Thee, the Terrible and Invisible God: Who dwellest in the Void Place of the Spirit: Arogogorobrao: Sochou: Modorio: Phalarchao: Ooo: Ape, The Bornless One: Hear Me!
Hear Me: Roubriao: Mariodam: Balbnabaoth: Assalonai: Aphniao: I: Tholeth: Abrasax: Qeoou: Ischur, Mighty and Bornless One! Hear Me!
I invoke Thee: Ma: Barraio: Ioel: Kotha: Athorebalo: Abraoth: Hear Me!
Hear me! Aoth: Aboth: Basum: Isak: Sabaoth: Iao:
This is the Lord of the Gods:
This is the Lord of the Universe:
This is He Whom the Winds fear.
This is He, Who having made Voice by His Commandment, is Lord of All Things;
King, Ruler, and Helper. Hear Me!
Hear Me: Ieou: Pur: Iou: Pur: Iaot: Iaeo: Ioou: Abrasax: Sabriam: Oo: Uu: Ede: Edu: Angelos tou theou: Lai: Gaia: Apa: Diachanna: Chorun.

(The apparent boundary between human and the divine finally disappears, consumed by the magical enflaming of the aspirant.)
I am He! the Bornless Spirit! Having sight in the Feet: Strong, and the Immortal Fire!
I am He! the Truth!
I am He! Who hate that evil should be wrought in the World!
I am He, that lightningeth and thundereth.
I am He, from whom is the Shower of the Life of Earth:
I am He, whose mouth flameth:
I am He, the Begetter and Manifester unto the Light:
I am He, the Grace of the World:
"The Heart Girt with a Serpent" is My Name!

Come Thou forth, and follow Me: and make all Spirits subject unto Me so that every Spirit of the Firmament, and of the Ether: upon the Earth and under the Earth: on dry land, or in the Water: of whirling Air or of rushing Fire: and every Spell and Scourge of God, may be obedient unto me!
Iao: Sabao: Such are the Words!

sábado, outubro 12, 2013

Invocação de Thoth da Golden Dawn

 Invocação de Thoth da Golden Dawn
Procol, Ah procol este profani! Balasti! Ompada!
Em nome do Um Poderoso e Terrível, eu proclamo que eu ter banido as conchas para suas habitações!

Eu invoco Tahuti, o Senhor da Sabedoria e do Enunciado; o Deus que vem para a frente do véu.
Oh vós, Majestade da divindade, sabedoria-coroado Tahuti, Senhor dos portões do universo. Ti, te invoco.
Oh tu, na cabeça de ibis. Ti, te invoco.
Tu que maneja a varinha de duplo poder. Ti, te invoco.
Tu que bearest em tua mão esquerda o Rosa e a Cruz de Luz e vVida. Ti, te invoco.
Tu, cuja cabeça é como uma esmeralda e teu nemyss como o azul do céu à noite. Ti, te invoco.
Tu, cuja pele é uma laranja flamejante como se queimou em um forno. Ti, te invoco.

Vê, eu sou ontem, hoje, e o irmão de amanhã.
Eu nasci de novo e de novo.
A minha é a força invisível do qual os deuses são saltados, que é como a vida para os moradores em Torres de Sentinela do Universo.
Eu sou o cocheiro do Leste; Senhor do Passado e do Futuro.
Vejo pela minha própria luz interior; Senhor da Ressurreição que vem adiante do pó, e meu nascimento é da casa da morte, Oh vós dois falcões divina sobre seus pináculos que mantém o sentinela sobre o Universo.

Vós que empresa a Bier para a Casa de Repouso, que o piloto da nave de Ra, já avançando a partir do céu. Senhor do santuário que permanece no centro da terra. Contemplem!
Ele é a mim e eu nele.
O meu é o brilho no qual Ptah boiou por cima do firmamento.
Viajo em alta.
Eu pisar o firmamento de Nu.
Eu eleva uma chama pisca com o raio dos meus olhos, sempre correndo no esplendor do diário glorificado Ra, dando vida aos moradores da terra.
Se eu digo, “Venha até em cima da montanha!”, as águas celestiais fluirá ao meu comando.
Pois eu sou Ra encarnado, Kephra criado em carne e osso.
Eu sou a idolo do meu pai Tmu, Senhor da Cidade do Sol.
O Deus que comanda é na minha boca, o deus da sabedoria está no meu coração, minha língua é o santuário da verdade e um deus se assenta nos meus lábios.
Minha palavra é realizada todos os dias, e o desejo do meu coração percebe-se como a de Ptah quando ele criou suas obras.
Eu sou eterno, portanto, todas as coisas são como meus desenhos.
Portanto, tu vem adiante tudo acender-me da tua morada no silêncio, sabedoria indizível, tudo luz e tudo poder.

Thoth. Hermes. Mercúrio. Odin.
Por qualquer nome, eu te chamo sois ainda sem nome para toda a eternidade.
Tu vem adiante, eu digo, e ajuda e me guardar nesta obra de arte.
Tu, estrela do Leste, que conduzem os Magos.
Sois o mesmo de todos os presentes no Céu e no Inferno.
Tu que vibra entre a luz e a escuridão, subindo, descendo, mudando sempre, ainda sempre o mesmo.
O sol é teu pai; tua mãe é a lua. O vento te carregou no seio do que e terra já tem nutrido a divindade imutável da sua juventude.

Tu vem adiante, eu digo, tu vem adiante, e fazer todo o espírito do firmamento e do éter, sobre terra e debaixo da terra, na terra seca e na água, de redemoinho de ar e de fogo com pressa e todos os feitiços e o flagelo de Deus a Um Vasto seja obediente a mim.

Golden Dawn Invocation of Thoth

Procol, oh procol este profani! Balasti! Ompada!
In the name of the Mighty and Terrible One, I proclaim that I have banished the shells unto their habitations!

I invoke Tahuti, the Lord of Wisdom and of Utterance; the god that cometh forth from the veil.
Oh thou, majesty of the godhead, wisdom-crowned Tahuti, Lord of the gates of the universe. Thee, thee I invoke.
Oh thou of the ibis head. Thee, thee I invoke.
Thou who wieldest the wand of double power. Thee, thee I invoke.
Thou who bearest in thy left hand the Rose and Cross of Light and Life. Thee, thee I invoke.
Thou whose head is as an emerald, and thy nemyss as the night sky blue. Thee, thee I invoke.
Thou whose skin is a flaming orange as though it burned in a furnace. Thee, thee I invoke.

Behold, I am yesterday, today, and the brother of tomorrow.
I am born again and again.
Mine is the unseen force whereof the gods are sprung, which is as life unto the dwellers in the Watchtowers of the Universe.
I am the charioteer of the East; Lord of the Past and the Future.
I see by my own inward light; Lord of Resurrection who cometh forth from the dust, and my birth is from the house of death, Oh ye two divine hawks upon your pinnacles who keep watch over the Universe.

Ye who company the Bier to the House of Rest, who pilot the ship of Ra, ever advancing onwards the heights of heaven. Lord of the shrine which standeth in the center of the earth. Behold!
He is me and I in him.
Mine is the radiance wherein Ptah floateth over the firmament.
I travel upon high.
I tread upon the firmament of Nu.
I raise a flashing flame with the lightening of mine eye , ever rushing on in the splendor of the daily glorified Ra, giving my life to the dwellers of earth.
If I say, “Come up upon the mountain!”, the celestial waters shall flow at my command.
For I am Ra incarnate, Kephra created in the flesh.
I am the idol of my father Tmu, Lord of the City of the Sun.
The god who commands is in my mouth, the god of wisdom is in my heart, my tongue is the sanctuary of truth and a god sitteth upon my lips.
My word is accomplished every day, and the desire of my heart realizes itself as that of Ptah when he created his works.
I am eternal, therefore all things are as my designs.
Therefore, do thou come forth unto me from thine abode in the silence, unutterable wisdom, all light and all power.

Thoth. Hermes. Mercury. Odin.
By whatever name I call thee thou art still nameless to eternity.
Come thou forth, I say, and aid and guard me in this work of art.
Thou star of the east that didst conduct the magi.
Thou art the same all present in Heaven and in Hell.
Thou that vibratest between the light and the darkness, rising, descending, changing ever, yet ever the same.
The sun is thy father; thy mother the moon. The wind hath borne thee in it's bosom and earth hath ever nourished the changeless god head of thy youth.

Come thou forth, I say, come thou forth, and make every spirit of the firmament and of the ether, upon the earth and under the earth, on dry land and in the water, of whirling air and of rushing fire, and every spell and scourge of God the Vast One may be obedient unto me.

terça-feira, outubro 08, 2013

O Ritual da Cruz Cósmica e o Esfera Magíka.

O Ritual da Cruz Cósmica e o Esfera Magíka.

1. Forma a Cruz Cósmica.
Este formulário é benéfico para o equilíbrio da mente e da aura e é inserido em vários pontos em todos os rituais para pontuação antes e depois de ações.

Classificaram-se para o cCntro do Espaço Ritual para Leste.

Toque seu rosto e dizer, "Macrocosmo", visualizando os céus.
Visualize um forte raio de luz descendo seu corpo.
Toque o seu pélvis e dizer, "Microcosmo", visualizando a terra.
Toque em seu ombro direito e diga "Ação", visualizando um Sol vermelho ou Marte.
Visualize um forte raio de luz atravessando seu coração.
Toque em seu ombro esquerdo e diga, "e Realização", visualizando uma Lua azul ou Júpiter.
Tocar as mãos juntos e dizer, "Eu sou"!
Visualize-se aperfeiçoado.

2. Crie o Círculo Magicko.
Esta forma é benéfica para a criação de um espaço purificado, separado do caos.
Reconhecemos a unidade e a dualidade em nossa experiência.

Avançar para o Leste e diga, "Em Nome da Luz Primordial,
Criar A Esfera Magíka. ”
Avanço para a direita, desenho do Círculo Magicko com a varinha ou sua mão,
Visualize um esfera forte de luz em dente o Circlo Magíko.
Retornar para o centro do Espaço Ritual e dizer:
"O Multiverso é Contínuo. O Multiverso é Um. O Centro é Pura. ”

3. Forma a Cruz Cósmica.


The Ritual of The Cosmic Cross and The Magickal Circle

1. Form The Cosmic Cross.
This form is beneficial for balancing the mind and aura and is inserted into multiple points in all rituals for punctuation before and after actions.

    Advance to the Center of The Ritual Space Facing East.

    Touch Your Brow and Say, “ Macrocosm, ”, Visualizing The Heavens.
    Visualize a Strong Ray of Light Descending your Body.
    Touch Your Pelvis and Say, “ Microcosm, ”, Visualizing The Earth.
    Touch Your Right Shoulder and Say “ Action, ”, Visualizing a Red Sun or Mars.
    Visualize a Strong Ray of Light Crossing Your Heart.
    Touch Your Left Shoulder and Say, “ and Realization, ”, Visualizing a Blue Moon or Jupiter.
    Touch Your Hands Together and Say, “ I Am ! ”
    Visualize Yourself Perfected.

2. Create The Magickal Sphere.
This form is beneficial for the creation of a purified space, separate from the Chaos.
We recognize the unity and the duality in our experience.

    Advance to the East and say, “ in the name of The Primal Light,
            I Create The Magickal Sphere. ”
    Advance to The Right, Drawing The Magickal Circle with The Wand or Your Hand,
    Saying “ ABRAHADABRA. ”
    Visualize a Strong Sphere of Light within The Magickal Circle.
    Return to the center of the Ritual Space and say,
    “ The Multiverse is Continuous. The Multiverse is One. The Center is Pure. ”

3. Form The Cosmic Cross.

terça-feira, outubro 01, 2013

The Tibetan Book of the Dead (1963)

The Tibetan Book of the Dead (1963)
O (name of voyager) The time has come for you to seek new levels of reality. Your ego and the (name)
game are about to cease. Your are about to be set face to face with the Clear Light Your are about to
experience it in its reality. In the ego-free state, wherein all things are like the void and cloudless sky, And
the naked spotless intellect is like a transparent vacuum; At this moment, know yourself and abide in that
O (name of voyager), That which is called ego-death is coming to you. Remember: This is now the hour of
death and rebirth; Take advantage of this temporary death to obtain the perfect state -Enlightenment.
Concentrate on the unity of all living beings. Hold onto the Clear Light. Use it to attain understanding and
If you cannot maintain the bliss of illumination and if you are slipping back into contact with the external
world, Remember: The hallucinations which you may now experience, The visions and insights, Will teach
you much about yourself and the world. The veil of routine perception will be torn from you eyes.
Remember the unity of all living things. Remember the bliss of the Clear Light. Let it guide you through the
visions of this experience. Let it guide you through your new life to come. If you feel confused; call upon the
memory of your friends and the power of the person whom you most admire.
O (name), Try to reach and keep the experience of the Clear Light. Remember: The light is the life energy.
The endless flame of life. An ever-changing surging turmoil of color may engulf your vision. This is the
ceaseless transformation of energy. The life process. Do not fear it. Surrender to it. Join it. It is part of you.
You are part of it. Remember also: Beyond the restless flowing electricity of life is the ultimate reality -The
Void. Your own awareness, not formed into anything possessing form or color, is naturally void. The Final
Reality. The All Good. The All Peaceful. The Light. The Radiance. The movement is the fire of life from which
we all come. Join it. It is part of you. Beyond the light of life is the peaceful silence of the void. The quiet
bliss beyond all transformations. The Buddha smile. The Void is not nothingness. The Void is beginning and
end itself. Unobstructed; shining, thrilling, blissful. Diamond consciousness. The All-Good Buddha. Your own
consciousness, not formed into anything, No thought, no vision, no color, is void. The intellect shining and
blissful and silent -This is the state of perfect enlightenment. Your own consciousness, shining, void and
inseparable from the great body of radiance, has no birth, nor death. It is the immutable light which the
Tibetans call Buddha Amitabha, The awareness of the formless beginning. Knowing this is enough.
Recognize the voidness of your own consciousness to be Buddhahood. Keep this recognition and you will
maintain the state of the divine mind of the Buddha.
Remember: In this session you experience three Bardos, Three states of ego-loss. First there is the Clear
Light of Reality. Next there are fantastically varied game hallucinations. Later you will reach the stage of Re-
Entry Of regaining an ego.
O friend, You may experience ego-transcendence, Departure from your old self. But you are not the only
one. It comes to all at some time. You are fortunate to have this gratuitously given rebirth experience. Do
not cling in fondness and weakness to your old self. Even though you cling to your mind, you have lost the
power to keep it. You can gain nothing by struggling in this hallucinatory world. Be not attached. Be not
weak. Whatever fear or terror may come to you Forget not these words. Take their meaning into your heart.
Go forward. Herein lies the vital secret of recognition.
O friend, remember: When body and mind separate, you experience a glimpse of the pure truth -Subtle,
sparkling, bright, Dazzling, glorious, and radiantly awesome, In appearance like a mirage moving across a
landscape in springtime. One continuous stream of vibrations. Be not daunted thereby, Nor terrified, nor
awed. That is the radiance of your own true nature. Recognize it.
>From the midst of that radiance Comes the natural sound of reality, Reverberating like a thousand
thunders simultaneously sounding. That is the natural sound of your own life process. Be not daunted
thereby, Nor terrified, nor awed. It is sufficient for you to know that these apparitions are your own
thought-forms. If you do not recognize your own thought forms, If you forget your preparation, The lights
will daunt you, The sounds will awe you, The rays will terrify you, The people around you will confuse you.
Remember the key to the teachings.
O friend, These realms are not come from somewhere outside your self, They come from within and shine
upon you. The revelations too are not come from somewhere else; They exist from eternity within the
faculties of your own intellect. Know them to be of that nature.
The key to enlightenment and serenity during this period of ten thousand visions is simply this: Relax.
Merge yourself with them. Blissfully accept the wonders of your own creativity. Become neither attached
nor afraid, Neither be attracted nor repulsed. Above all, do nothing about the visions. They exist only within
(Eyes closed, external stimuli ignored)
O nobly-born, listen carefully: The Radiant Energy of the Seed >From which come all living forms, Shoots
forth and strikes against you With a light so brilliant that you will scarcely be able to look at it. Do not be
frightened. This is the Source Energy which has been radiating for billions of years, Ever manifesting itself in
different forms. Accept it. Do not try to intellectualize it. Do not play games with it. Merge with it. Let it
flow through you. Lose yourself in it. Fuse in the Halo of Rainbow Light Into the core of the energy dance.
Obtain Buddhahood in the Central Realm of the Densely Packed.
(Eyes closed, external stimuli ignored; intellectual aspects)
O nobly born, listen carefully: The life flow is whirling through you. An endless parade of pure forms and
sounds, Dazzlingly brilliant, Ever-changing. Do not try to control it. Flow with it. Experience the ancient
cosmic myths of creation and manifestation. Do not try to understand; There is plenty of time for that later.
Merge with it. Let it flow through you. There is no need to act or think. You are being taught the great
lessons of evolution, creation, reproduction. If you try to stop it, you may fall into hell-worlds and endure
unbearable misery generated by your own mind. Avoid game interpretations. Avoid thinking, talking and
doing. Keep faith in the life flow. Trust your companions on this watery journey. Merge in Rainbow Light,
Into the Heart of The River of Created Forms. Obtain Buddhahood in the Realm called Pre-Eminently Happy.
(Eyes closed, external stimuli ignored, emotional aspects)
O nobly born, listen carefully: You are flowing outward into the fluid unity of life. The ecstasy of organic fire
glows in every cell. The hard, dry, brittle husks of your ego are washing out, Washing out to the endless sea
of creation. Flow with it. Feel the pulse of the sun’s heart. Let the red Buddha Amitabha sweep you along.
Do not fear the ecstasy. Do not resist the flow. Remember, all the exultant power comes from within.
Release your attachment. Recognize the wisdom of your own blood. Trust the tide-force pulling you into
unity with all living forms. Let your heart burst in love for all life. Let your warm blood gush out into the
ocean of all life. Do not be attached to the ecstatic power; It comes from you. Let it flow. Do not try to hold
on to your old bodily fears. Let your body merge with the warm flux. Let your roots sink into the warm life
body. Merge into the Heart-Glow of the Buddha Amitabha. Float in the Rainbow Sea. Attain Buddhahood in
the Realm named Exultant Love.
(Eyes open, rapt involvement with the external
visual stimuli, intellectual aspects)
O nobly born, listen carefully: At this point you can become aware of the wave structure of the world
around you. Everything you see dissolves into energy vibrations. Look closely and you will tune in on the
electric dance of energy. There are no longer things and persons but only the direct flow of particles.
Consciousness will now leave your body and flow into the stream of wave rhythm. There is no need for talk
or action. Let your brain become a receiving set for the radiance. All interpretations are the products of your
own mind. Dispel them. Have no fear. Exult in the natural power of your own brain, The wisdom of your
own electricity. Abide in the state of quietude. As the three-dimensional world fragments, you may feel
panic; You may beget a fondness for the heavy dull world of objects you are leaving. At this time, fear not
the transparent, radiant, dazzling wave energy. Allow your intellect to rest. Fear not the hook-rays of the
light of life, The basic structure of matter, The basic form of wave communication. Watch quietly and
receive the message. You will now experience directly the revelation of primal forms.
(Eyes open; rapt involvement with external stimuli such as lights,
or movements; emotional aspects)
O nobly born, listen carefully: You are experiencing the unity of all living forms. If people seem to you
rubbery and lifeless, like plastic puppets, Be not afraid. This is only the attempt of the ego to maintain its
separate identity. Allow yourself to feel the unity of all. Merge with the world around you. Be not afraid.
Enjoy the dance of the puppets. They are created by your own mind. Allow yourself to relax and feel the
ecstatic energy-vibrations pulsing through you. Enjoy the feeling of complete one-ness with all life and all
matter. The glowing radiance is a reflection of your own consciousness. It is one aspect of your divine
nature. Do not be attached to your old human self. Do not be alarmed at the new and strange feelings you
are having. If you are attracted to your old self, You will be reborn shortly for another round of gameexistence.
Exercise humble trust and remain fearless. You will merge into the heart of the Blessed
Ratnasambhava, In a Halo of Rainbow Light, And attain liberation in the Realm Endowed with Glory.
O nobly born, listen well: You are now witnessing the magical dance of forms. Ecstatic kaleidoscopic
patterns explode around you. All possible shapes come to life before you eyes. The retinal circus. The
ceaseless play of elements -Earth, water, air, fire, In ever-changing forms and manifestations, Dazzles you
with its complexity and variety. Relax and enjoy the rushing stream. Do not become attached to any vision
or revelation. Let everything flow through you. If unpleasant experiences come, Let them flit by with the
rest. Do not struggle against them. It all comes from within you. This is the great lesson in the creativity
and power of the brain, freed from its learned structures. Let the cascade of images and associations take
you where it will. Meditate calmly on the knowledge that all these visions are emanations of your own
consciousness. This way you can obtain self-knowledge and be liberated.
O nobly born, listen well: You are now in the magic theatre of heroes and demons. Mythical superhuman
figures. Demons, goddesses, celestial warriors, giants, Angels, Bodhisattvas, dwarfs, crusaders, Elves, devils,
saints, and sorcerers, Infernal spirits, goblins, knights and emperors. The Lotus Lord of Dance. The Wise Old
Man. The Divine Child. The Trickster, The Shapeshifter. The tamer of monsters. The mother of gods, the
witch. The moon king. The wanderer. The whole divine theatre of figures representing the highest reaches
of human knowledge. Do not be afraid of them. They are within you. Your own creative intellect is the
master magician of them all. Recognize the figures as aspects of your self. The whole fantastic comedy
takes place within you. Do not become attached to the figures. Remember the teachings. You may still
attain liberation.
O nobly born, listen carefully: You were unable to maintain the perfect Clear Light of the First Bardo. Or the
serene peaceful visions of the Second. You are now entering Second Bardo nightmares. Recognize them.
They are your own thought-forms made visible and audible. They are products of your own mind with its
back to the wall. They indicate that you are close to liberation. Do not fear them. No harm can come to you
from these hallucinations. They are your own thoughts in frightening aspect. They are old friends. Welcome
them. Merge with them. Join them. Lose yourself in them. They are yours. Whatever you see, no matter
how strange and terrifying, Remember above all that it comes from within you. Hold onto that knowledge.
As soon as you recognize that, you will obtain liberation. If you do not recognize them, Torture and
punishment will ensue. But these too are but the radiances of your own intellect. They are immaterial.
Voidness cannot injure voidness. None of the peaceful or wrathful visions, Blood-drinking demons, machines,
monsters, or devils, Exist in reality Only within your skull. This will dissipate your fear. Remember it well.
O (name), listen well: You are now entering the Third Bardo. Before, while experiencing the peaceful and
wrathful visions of the Second Bardo, You could not recognize them. Through fear you became unconscious.
Now, as you recover, Your consciousness rises up, Like a trout leaping forth out of water, Striving for its
original form. Your former ego has started to operate again. Do not struggle to figure things out. If through
weakness you are attracted to action and thinking, You will have to wander amidst the world of game
existence, And suffer pain. Relax your restless mind.
O (name), you have been unable to recognize the archetypal forms of the Second Bardo. You have come
down this far. Now, if you wish to see the truth, Your mind must rest without distraction. There is nothing to
do, Nothing to think. Float back to the unobscured, primordial, bright, void state of your intellect. In this
way you will obtain liberation. If you are unable to relax your mind, Meditate on (name of protective figure)
Meditate on your friends (name) Think of them with profound love and trust, As overshadowing the crown
of your head. This is of great importance. Be not distracted.
O (name), You may now feel the power to perform miraculous feats, To perceive and communicate with
extrasensory power, To change shape, size and number, To traverse space and time instantly. These
feelings come to you naturally, Not through any merit on your part. Do not desire them. Do not attempt to
exercise them. Recognize them as signs that you are in the Third Bardo, In the period of re-entry into the
normal world.
O (name), If you have not understood the above, At this moment, As a result of your own mental set,
Frightening visions may come. Gusts of wind and icy blasts, Humming and clicking of the controlling
machinery, Mocking laughter. You may imagine terror producing remarks:
“Guilty,” “stupid,” inadequate,” “nasty.” Such imagined taunts and paranoid nightmares Are the residues of
selfish, ego-dominated game-playing. Fear them not. They are your own mental products. Remember that
you are in the Third Bardo. You are struggling to re-enter the denser atmosphere of routine game existence.
Let this re-entry be smooth and slow. Do not attempt to use force of will-power.
O (name), As you are driven here and there by the ever-moving winds of karma, Your mind, having no
resting place or focus, Is like a feather tossed about by the wind, Or like a rider on the horse or breath,
Ceaselessly and involuntarily you will wander about, Calling in despair for your old ego. Your mind races
along until you are exhausted and miserable. Do not hold on to thoughts. Allow the mind to rest in its
unmodified state. Meditate on the oneness of all energy. Thus you will be free of sorrow, terror, and
O (name) You may feel confused and bewildered. You may be wondering about your sanity. You may look
at your fellow voyagers and friends, And sense that they cannot understand you. You may think; “I am
dead! What shall I do?,” And feel great misery, Just like a fish cast out of water on red-hot embers. You
may wonder whether you will ever return.
Familiar places, relatives, people known to you appear as in a dream, Or through a glass darkly. If you are
having such experiences, Thinking will be of no avail. Do not struggle to explain. This is the natural result of
your own mental program. Such feelings indicate that you are in the Third Bardo. Trust your guide, Trust
your companions, Trust the Compassionate Buddha, Meditate calmly and without distraction.
O (name), You may now feel as if you are being oppressed and squeezed, Like between rocks and boulders,
Or like inside a cage or prison. Remember: These are signs that you are trying to force a return to your ego.
There may be a dull, gray light Suffusing all objects with a murky glow. These are all signs of the Third
Bardo. Do not struggle to return. The re-entry will happen by itself. Recognize where you are. Recognition
will lead to liberation.
O (name), You have still not understood what is happening So far you have been searching for your past
personality. Unable to find it, you may begin to feel that you will never be the same again, That you will
come back a changed person. Saddened by this you will feel self-pity, You will attempt to find your ego, to
regain control. So thinking, you will wander here and there, Ceaselessly and distractedly. Different images of
your future self will be seen by you; The one you are headed for will be seen most clearly. The special art of
these teachings is particularly important at this moment. Whatever image you see, Meditate upon it as
coming from the Buddha -That level of existence also exists in the Buddha. This is an exceedingly profound
art. It will free you from your present confusion. Meditate upon (name of protective ideal) for as long as
possible. Visualize him as a form produced by a magician, Then let his image melt away, Starting with the
extremities, Till nothing remains visible. Put yourself in a state of Clearness and Voidness; Abide in that
state for a while. Then meditate again on your protective ideal. Then again on the Clear Light. Do this
alternately. Afterwards, allow your own mind also to melt away gradually. Wherever the air pervades,
consciousness pervades. Wherever consciousness pervades, serene ecstasy pervades. Abide tranquilly in
the uncreated state of serenity. In that state, paranoid rebirth will be prevented. Perfect enlightenment will
be gained.
O (name), you may now experience momentary joy, Followed by momentary sorrow, Of great intensity, Like
the stretching and relaxing of a catapult. You will go through sharp mood swings, All determined by karma.
Be not in the least attached to the joys nor displeased by the sorrows. The actions of your friends or
companions may evoke anger or shame in you. If you get angry or depressed, You will immediately have an
experience of hell. No matter what people are doing, Make sure that no angry thought can arise. Meditate
upon love for them. Even at this late stage of the session You are only one second away from a lifechanging
joyous discovery. Remember that each of your companions is Buddha within. You mind in its
present state having no focus or integrating force, Being light and continuously moving, Whatever thought
occurs to you, Positive or negative, Will wield great power. You are extremely suggestible Therefore think
not of selfish things. Recall your preparation for the session. Show pure affection and humble faith.
Through hearing these words, Recollection will come. Recollection will be followed by recognition and
O (name), if you are experiencing a vision of judgment and guilt, Listen carefully: That you are suffering like
this Is the result of your own mental set. Your karma. No one is doing anything to you. There is nothing to
do. Your own mind is creating the problem.
Accordingly float into meditation. Remember your former beliefs. Remember the teachings of this manual.
Remember the friendly presence of you companions. If you do not know how to meditate Concentrate on
any single object or sensation. Hold this (hand the wanderer an object), Concentrate on the reality of this,
Recognize the illusory nature of existence and phenomena. This moment is of great importance. If you are
distracted now it will take you a long time to get out of the quagmire of misery. Up till now the Bardo
experiences have come to you and you have not recognized them. You have been distracted. On this
account you have experienced fear and terror. Even though unsuccessful thus far You may recognize and
obtain liberation here. Your session can still become ecstatic and revelatory. If you do not know how to
meditate, remember (person’s ideal). Remember your companions Remember this manual. Think of all
these fears and terrifying apparitions as being your own ideal, Or as the compassionate one. They are divine
tests. Remember your guide. Repeat the names over and over. Even though you fall, You will not be hurt.
O (name), At this time you may see visions of mating couples. You are convinced that an orgy is about to
take place. Desire and anticipation seize you, You wonder what sexual performance is expected of you.
When these visions occur, Remember to withhold yourself from action or attachment. Humbly exercise your
faith. Float with the stream. Trust the process with great fervency. Meditation and trust in the unity of life
are the keys. If you attempt to enter into your old personality because you are attracted or repulsed, If you
try to join the orgy you are hallucinating, You will be reborn on an animal level. You will experience
possessive desire and jealousy, You will suffer stupidity and misery. If you wish to avoid these miseries
Listen and recognize. Reject the feelings of attraction or repulsion. Remember the downward pull opposing
enlightenment is strong in you. Meditate upon unity with your fellow voyagers. Abandon jealousy, Be
neither attracted nor repulsed by your sexual hallucinations. If you are you will wander in misery a long time.
Repeat these words to yourself. And meditate on them.
First Method: Meditation on the Buddha
O (name), tranquilly meditate upon your protective figure (name). He is like the reflecting of the moon in
water. He is apparent yet non-existent. Like illusion produced by magic. If you have no special protective
figure, Meditate upon the Buddha or upon me. With this in mind meditate tranquilly. Then causing the
visualized form of your protective ideal To melt away from the extremities, Meditate, without any
upon the Void Clear Light. This is a very profound art. By virtue of it rebirth is postponed. A more
illuminated future is assured.
Second Method: Meditation on Good Games
(Name), You are now wandering in the Third Bardo. As a sign of this, look into a mirror and you will not see
your usual self (show the wanderer a mirror). At this time you must form a single, firm resolve in your mind.
This is very important. It is like directing the course of a horse by the use of the reins. Whatever you desire
will come to pass. Think not of evil actions which might turn the course of your mind. Remember your
spiritual relationship with me, Or with anyone from whom you have received teaching. Persevere with good
games. This is essential. Be not distracted. Here lies the boundary line between going up or down. If you
give way to indecision for even a second, You will have to suffer misery for a long, long time, Trapped in
your old habits and games. This is the moment. Hold fast to one single purpose. Remember good games.
Resolve to act according to your highest insight. This is a time when earnestness and pure love are
necessary. Abandon jealousy. Meditate upon laughter and trust. Bear this well at heart.
Third Method: Meditation on Illusion
If still going down and not liberated, Meditate as follows: The sexual activities, the manipulation machinery,
the mocking laughter, dashing sounds and terrifying apparitions, Indeed all phenomena Are in their nature,
illusions. However they may appear, in truth they are unreal and fake. They are like dreams and apparitions,
Non-permanent, non-fixed. What advantage is there in being attached to them, Or being afraid of them? All
these are hallucinations of the mind. The mind itself does not exist, Therefore why should they? Only
through taking these illusions for real will you wander around in this confused existence. All these are like
dreams, Like echoes, Like cities of clouds, Like mirages, Like mirrored forms, Like phantasmagoria, The
moon seen in water. Not real even for a moment. By holding one-pointedly to that train of thought. The
belief that they are real is dissipated, And liberation is attained.
Fourth Method: Meditation on the Void
“All substances are part of my own consciousness. This consciousness is vacuous, unborn, and unceasing.”
Thus meditating, Allow the mind to rest in the uncreated state. Like the pouring of water into water, The
mind should be allowed its own easy mental posture In its natural, unmodified condition, clear and vibrant.
By maintaining this relaxed, uncreated state of mind Rebirth into routine game-reality is sure to be
prevented. Meditate on this until you are certainly free.
(Name), Listen: It is almost time to return. Make the selection of your future personality according to the
best teaching. Listen well:
The signs and characteristics of the level of existence to come Will appear to you in premonitory visions.
Recognize them. When you find that you have to return to reality, Try to follow the pleasant delightful
visions. Avoid the dark unpleasant ones. If you return in panic, a fearful state will follow, If you strive to
escape dark, gloomy scenes, an unhappy state will follow, If you return in radiance, a happy state will follow.
Your mental state now will affect your subsequent level of being. Whatever you choose, Choose impartially,
Without attraction or repulsion. Enter into game-existence with good grace. Voluntarily and freely. Remain
calm. Remember the teachings.

The Tibetan Book of the Dead Appendix

The Tibetan Book of the Dead Appendix
The Appendix
[In our Manuscript (but not in the Block-Print), directly following the text of the Bardo Thödol, there are
thirteen folios of rituals and prayers (lit., ‘paths of good wishes’), which all professional readers of the
Bardo Thödol must know, usually from memory, and apply as needed; and they are here rendered into
English as follows:]
[I: The Invocation of the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas]
[Instructions to the Officiant]: The invoking of the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas for assistance, when [any one
is] dying, is [thus]:
Offer up to the Trinity whatever actual offerings can be offered [by the dying person, or by his family],
together with mentally-created offerings: and, holding in the hand sweet-smelling incense, repeat, with
great fervency, the following:
O ye Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, abiding in the Ten Directions, endowed with great compassion, endowed
with foreknowledge, endowed with the divine eye, endowed with love, affording protection to sentient
beings, condescend through the power of your great compassion to come hither; condescend to accept these
offerings actually laid out and mentally created.
O ye Compassionate Ones, ye possess the wisdom of understanding, the love of compassion, the power of
[doing] divine deeds and of protecting, in incomprehensible measure. Ye Compassionate Ones, (such-andsuch
a person) is passing from this world to the world beyond. He is leaving this world. He is taking a great
leap. No friends [hath he]. Misery is great. [He is without] defenders, without protectors, without forces and
kinsmen. The light of this world hath set. He goeth to another place. He entereth thick darkness. He falleth
down a steep precipice. He entereth into a jungle solitude. He is pursued by Karmic Forces. He goeth into
the Vast Silence. He is borne away by the Great Ocean. He is wafted on the Wind of Karma. He goeth in the
direction where stability existeth not. He is caught by the Great Conflict. He is obsessed by the Great
Afflicting Spirit. He is awed and terrified by the Messengers of the Lord of Death. Existing Karma putteth
him into repeated existence. No strength hath he. He hath come upon a time when he hath to go alone.
O ye Compassionate Ones, defend (so-and-so) who is defenseless. Protect him who is unprotected. Be his
forces and his kinsmen. Protect [him] from the great gloom of the Bardo. Turn him from the red [or storm]
wind of Karma. Turn him from the great awe and terror of the Lords of Death. Save him from the long
narrow passage-way of the Bardo.
O ye Compassionate Ones, let not the force of your compassion be weak; but aid him. Let him not go into
misery [or the miserable states of existence]. Forget not your ancient vows; and let not the force of your
compassion be weak.
O ye Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, let not the might of the method of your compassion be weak towards this
one. Catch hold of him with [the hook of] your grace. Let not the sentient being fall under the power of evil
O ye Trinity, protect him from the miseries of the Bardo.
Saying this with great humility and faith, let thyself and [all] others [present] repeat it thrice.
[II:] 'The Path of Good Wishes for Saving from the Dangerous Narrow Passageway of the Bardo'
is [as follows]:
O ye Conquerors and your Sons, abiding in the Ten Directions, O ye ocean-like Congregation of the All-
Good Conquerors, the Peaceful and the Wrathful, O ye Gurus and Devas, and ye Dākinīs, the Faithful Ones,
Hearken now out of [your] great love and compassions: Obeisance, O ye assemblage of Gurus and Dākinīs;
Out of your great love, lead us along the Path.
When, through illusion, I and others are wandering in the Sangsāra, Along the bright light-path of
undistracted listening, reflection, and meditation, May the Gurus of the Inspired Line lead us, May the
bands of Mothers be our rear-guard, May we be saved from the fearful narrow passage-way of the Bardo,
May we be placed in the state of the perfect Buddhahood.
When, through violent anger, [we are] wandering in the Sangsāra, Along the bright light-path of the Mirrorlike
Wisdom, May the Bhagavān Vajra-Sattva lead us, May the Mother Māmakī be our rear-guard, May we
be saved from the fearful narrow passage-way of the Bardo, May we be placed in the state of the perfect
When, through intense pride, [we are] wandering in the Sangsāra, Along the bright light-path of the
Wisdom of Equality, May the Bhagavān Ratna-Sambhava lead us, May the Mother, She-of-the-Buddha-
Eye, be our rear-guard,
May we be saved from the fearful narrow passage-way of the Bardo, May we be placed in the state of the
perfect Buddhahood.
When, through great attachment, [we are] wandering in the Sangsāra, Along the bright light-path of the
Discriminating Wisdom, May the Bhagavān Amitābha lead us, May the Mother, [She]-of-White-Raiment,
be our rear-guard, May we be saved from the fearful narrow passage-way of the Bardo, May we be placed
in the state of the perfect Buddhahood.
When, through intense jealousy, [we are] wandering in the Sangsāra, Along the bright light-path of the All-
Performing Wisdom, May the Bhagavān Amogha-Siddhi lead us, May the Mother, the Faithful Tārā, be our
rear-guard May we be saved from the fearful narrow passage-way of the Bardo, May we be placed in the
state of the perfect Buddhahood.
When, through intense stupidity, [we are] wandering in the Sangsāra, Along the bright light-path of the
Wisdom of Reality, May the Bhagavān Vairochana lead us, May the Mother of Great Space be our rearguard,
May we be saved from the fearful narrow passage-way of the Bardo, May we be placed in the state
of the perfect Buddhahood.
When, through intense illusion, [we are] wandering in the Sangsāra, Along the bright light-path of the
abandonment of hallucinatory fear, awe, and terror, May the Bhagavāns of the Wrathful Ones lead us, May
the bands of the Wrathful Goddesses Rich-in-Space be our rear-guard, May we be saved from the fearful
narrow passage-way of the Bardo, May we be placed in the state of the perfect Buddhahood.
When, through intense propensities, [we are] wandering in the Sangsāra, Along the bright light-path of the
Simultaneously-born Wisdom, May the Knowledge-Holders lead us, May the bands of the Mothers, the
Dākinīs, be our rear-guard, May we be saved from the fearful narrow passage-way of the Bardo, May we be
placed in the state of the perfect Buddhahood.
May the ethereal elements not rise up as enemies; May it come that we shall see the Realm of the Blue
Buddha. May the watery elements not rise up as enemies; May it come that we shall see the Realm of the
White Buddha. May the earthy elements not rise up as enemies; May it come that we shall see the Realm of
the Yellow Buddha. May the fiery elements not rise up as enemies; May is come that we shall see the Realm
of the Red Buddha. May the airy elements not rise up as enemies; May it come that we shall see the Realm
of the Green Buddha. May the elements of the rainbow colours not rise up as enemies; May it come that all
the Realms of the Buddhas will be seen. May it come that all the Sounds [in the Bardo] will be known as
one's own sounds; May it come that all the Radiances will be known as one's own radiances; May it come
that the Tri-Kāya will be realized in the Bardo.
[III:] Here beginneth
'The Root Verses of the Six Bardos':
O now, when the Birthplace Bardo upon me is dawning! Abandoning idleness -- there being no idleness in
[a devotee's] life -- Entering into the Reality undistractedly, listening, reflecting, and meditating, Carrying
on to the Path [knowledge of the true nature of] appearances and of mind, may the Tri-Kāya be realized:
Once that the human form hath been attained, May there be no time [or opportunity] in which to idle it [or
human life] away.
O now, when the Dream Bardo upon me is dawning! Abandoning the inordinate corpse-like sleeping of the
sleep of stupidity, May the consciousness undistractedly be kept in its natural state; Grasping the [true
nature of] dreams, [may I] train [myself] in the Clear Light of Miraculous Transformation: Acting not like
the brutes in slothfulness, May the blending of the practicing of the sleep [state] and actual [or waking]
experience be highly valued [by me].
O now, when the Dhyāna Bardo upon me is dawning! Abandoning the whole mass of distractions and
illusions, May [the mind] be kept in the mood of endless undistracted Samādhi, May firmness both in the
visualizing and in the perfected [stages] be obtained: At this time, when meditating one-pointedly, with [all
other] actions put aside, May I not fall under the power of misleading, stupefying passions.
O now, when the Bardo of the Moment of Death upon me is dawning! Abandoning attraction and craving,
and weakness for all [worldly things], May I be undistracted in the space of the bright [enlightening]
teachings, May I [be able to] transfuse myself into the heavenly space of the Unborn: The hour hath come
to part with this body composed of flesh and blood; May I know the body to be impermanent and illusory.
O now, when the Bardo of the Reality upon me is dawning, Abandoning all awe, fear, and terror of all
[phenomena], May I recognize whatever appeareth as being mine own thought-forms, May I know them to
be apparitions in the Intermediate State; [It hath been said], 'There arriveth a time when the chief turningpoint
is reached; Fear not the bands of the Peaceful and Wrathful, Who are thine own thought-forms'.
O now, when the Bardo of [taking] Rebirth upon me is dawning! One-pointedly holding fast to a single
wish, [May I be able to] continue the course of good deeds through repeated efforts; May the womb-door be
closed and the revulsion recollected: The hour hath come when energy and pure love are needed; [May I]
cast off jealousy and meditate upon the Guru, the Father-Mother.
['O] procrastinating one, who thinketh not of the coming of death, Devoting thyself to the useless doings of
this life, Improvident art thou in dissipating thy great opportunity; Mistaken, indeed, will thy purpose be
now if thou returnest empty-handed [from this life]: Since the Holy Dharma is known to be thy true need,
Wilt thou not devote [thyself] to the Holy Dharma even now?'
Thus say the Great Adepts in devotion. If the chosen teaching of the guru be not borne in mind,
Wilt thou not [O shishya] be acting even as a traitor to thyself? It is of great importance that these Root
Words be known.
< a>
[IV:] Here beginneth
'The Path of Good Wishes which Protecteth from Fear in the Bardo':
When the cast [of the dice] of my life hath become exhausted, The relatives in this world avail me not;
When I wander alone by myself in the Bardo, [O] ye Conquerors, Peaceful and Wrathful, exercising the
power of your compassion, Let it come that the Gloom of Ignorance be dispelled.
When wandering alone, parted from loving friends, When the shapes of mine empty though-forms dawn
upon me here, [May the] Buddhas, exerting the power of their divine compassion, Cause it to come that
there be neither awe nor terror in the Bardo.
When the bright radiances of the Five Wisdoms shine upon me now, Let it come that I, neither awed nor
terrified, may recognize them to be of myself; When the apparitions of the Peaceful and Wrathful forms are
dawning upon me here, Let it come that I, obtaining the assurance of fearlessness, may recognize the Bardo.
When experiencing miseries, because of the force of evil karma, Let it come that the Conquerors, the
Peaceful and Wrathful, may dispel the miseries; When the self-existing Sound of Reality reverberates [like]
a thousand thunders, Let it come that they be transmuted into the sounds of the Mahayana Doctrines.
When [I am] unprotected, [and] karmic influences have to be followed here, I beseech the Conquerors, the
Peaceful and the Wrathful, to protect me; When suffering miseries, because of the karmic influence of
propensities, Let it come that the blissful Samādhi of the Clear Light may dawn [upon me].
When assuming supernormal rebirth in the Sidpa Bardo, Let it come that the perverting revelations of Māra
occur not therein; When I arrive wheresoever I wish to, Let it come that I experience not the illusory fright
and awe from evil karma.
When the roarings of savage beasts are uttered, Let it come that they be changed into the sacred sounds of
the Six Syllables; When pursued by snow, rain, wind, and darkness, Let it come that I see with the celestial
eyes of bright Wisdom.
Let it come that all sentient beings of the same harmonious order in the Bardo, Without jealousy [towards
one another], obtain birth on the higher planes; When [destined to] suffering from intense miseries of
hunger and thirst, Let it come that I experience not the pangs of hunger and thirst, heat and cold.
When I behold the future parents in union, Let it come that I behold them as the [Divine] Pair, the
Conquerors, the Peaceful and the Wrathful Father and Mother; Obtaining the power of being born
anywhere, for the good of others, Let it come that I obtain the perfect body, adorned with the signs and the
Obtaining for myself the body of a male [which is] the better, Let it come that I liberate all who see or hear
me; Allowing not the evil karma to follow me, Let it come that whatever merits [be mine] follow me and be
Wherever I be born, there and then, Let it come that I meet the Conquerors, the Peaceful and the Wrathful
Deities; Being able to walk and to talk as soon as [I am] born, Let it come that I obtain the non-forgetting
intellect and remember my past life [or lives].
In all the various lores, great, small, and intermediate, Let it come that I be able to obtain mastery merely
upon hearing, reflecting, and seeing; In whatever place I be born, let it be auspicious; Let it come that all
sentient beings be endowed with happiness.
58 59
Ye Conquerors, Peaceful and Wrathful, in likeness to your bodies, [Number of your] followers, duration of
your life-period, limit of your realms And [in likeness to the] goodness of your divine name, Let it come
that I, and others, equal your very selves in all these.
By the divine grace of the innumerable All-Good Peaceful and Wrathful [Ones}, And by the gift-waves of
the wholly pure Reality, [And] by the gift-waves of the one-pointed devotion of the mystic devotees, Let it
come that whatsoever be wished for be fulfilled here and now.
'The Path of Good Wishes Affording Protection from Fears in the Bardo' is finished.
[V: The Colophon]
[The Manuscript concludes with the following seven verses by the lāma or scribe who compiled it, but he --
faithful to the old lāmaic teaching that the human personality should be self-abased and the Scriptures alone
exalted before the gaze of the sentient creatures -- has not recorded his name:]
Through the perfectly pure intention of mine In the making of this, through the root of the merits thereof,
[May] those protectorless sentient beings, Mothers, [Be] placed in the State of the Buddha: Let the radiant
glory of auspiciousness come to illuminate the world; Let this Book be auspicious; Let virtue and goodness
be perfected in every way.
[Here endeth the Manuscript of the Bardo Thödol.]